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Errors women in the Face Care - healthy tips

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Errors in the Face Care Frequently do women - treat skin is mandatory for every woman. Skin that is well maintained will make them more confident. There are many types of treatments are usually carried out by a woman. Ranging from the simple to the modern. But not many women who know what mistakes are made when caring for the skin. What are some mistakes when treating skin that you should know, is:
Errors women in the Face Care - healthy tips

• Do not clean the makeup

Wearing makeup is an obligation for a woman. If you are a woman, usually you will be using makeup from morning until late afternoon. But often times you forget to clean the makeup at night or at bedtime. Make-up that is still attached to the skin of your face will clog pores and cause acne on your skin. Additionally makeup clog pores also inhibit the production of facial oil that is useful to moisturize the face. So although tired from your daily activities are solid, make sure you wash your face before going to bed wearing make-up removal. For best results clean, wash your face using facial foam.

• Use soap for the face

Faces have sensitive skin types so it can not arbitrarily choose cosmetics, especially soap. Maybe you've even wash your face frequently using soap. Yet this is wrong behavior. PH at very high soap. This can make your face become dry. Better to use a special soap facial cleanser or facial foam. Choose a facial soap or facial foam which had a little foam that keep your skin moist and cleaner to remove dead cells on your face.

• Lack of drinking water

In the modern era is a lot of women who lack drinking water. They tend to like sodas. Not just for drinks, soda is also used for diet. Soda is actually not good for skin health. The content of sodium bicarbonate can absorb dissolved water content in the body cells, which can cause dehydration of the skin and the skin can be quickly wrinkles. So, better drink water. The white water contains oxygen and minerals that are very useful for your body. So, drink eight glasses a day to keep your skin fresh and moist. Besides drinking water also can be you look younger. Lots not benefit? What are you waiting for? Mulalilah to leave soda and switching to drinking water.

• Squeezing pimples

Acne on the face of often interfere with your appearance. When acne appears on the face, you definitely want to immediately squeeze. Squeeze acne on the face is not a good habit. In addition there will be added acne scars ruin your appearance, squeeze acne on the face can also cause the growth of other acne around the face. You are advised to not squeeze and better apply lime juice on your skin with acne. In addition to lime you can also use powdered sulfur to relieve acne cosmetics you. Sulfur is a very powerful tool for discouraging acne, even in just a day and night.

That is a mistake that often arise when caring for the face. So simple is not a mistake that you often do when treating the face. Errors caring face almost every day do not you? With these tips, you are expected not to repeat it back so that your skin stays beautiful. Hopefully these tips help you. Good luck with these tips.