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Type Spices That Can Sharpen Memory - healthy t1ps

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Type Spices That Can Sharpen Memory - healthy t1ps A study revealed apparently some kind of spice has benefits able to sharpen memory. In addition, by consuming certain herbs regularly can reduce anxiety and also prevent the occurrence of brain tumors.

Spices That Can Sharpen Memory

Studies conducted in 2007 found that garlic has a certain active compounds that can kill cancer cells and prevent dementia.
Type Spices That Can Sharpen Memory - healthy t1ps

Read Other Benefits Garlic For Health :
benefits of Garlic's health - healthy t1ps6 Benefits And Risks Red Onions for health - healthy t1ps

Parsley and Thyme
Maybe some people unfamiliar with the name of spices on top. Parsley has a physical form similar to celery, only a smaller trunk. What distinguishes it is the aroma. The herb is commonly used by Indians as a cooking spice mixture. Thyme (Timi) actually is a wild plant that grows in many fields. In Indonesia there are many who use Thyme as seasoning, unlike in Western countries are often used as a spice Thyme kitchen.

Type Spices That Can Sharpen Memory - healthy t1ps
Flavonoids (apigenin) contained in Parsley and Thyme can strengthen relationships of neurons and cells that can form other neurons. Scientists say this herb can ward off depression, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.

Chamomile is an annual plant that is still family of Asteraceae sun flower. This plant is widely grown across Europe and Asia that has 4 seasons. Chamomile most deliciously presented as herbal tea. In addition to keep the immune system, Chamomile turned out to contain a compound that can bind to specific receptors of the brain chemicals that can help reduce anxiety.
Type Spices That Can Sharpen Memory - healthy t1ps

Certain compounds found in turmeric, can form macrophages and removing plaque from the brain to the early symptoms of Alzheimer's.
Type Spices That Can Sharpen Memory - healthy t1ps

Read Other : Benefits of Turmeric for Skin Beauty Face - Healthy Tips

Sage (salvia officinalis L)
Sage leaves are often used as seasoning in Europe. A fragrant aroma often used to add aroma of cooking meats and seafood. In cooking, sage leaves can be used fresh or dry conditions.
Type Spices That Can Sharpen Memory - healthy t1ps

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In a study mentioned that Sage effect on tests of memory and focus. Sage is considered to block the enzyme activity that degrades the neurotransmitter functioning of the brain.