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List of Wheat and Gluten Free Grains for People with Celiac Disease - Healthy T1ps

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List of Wheat and Gluten Free Grains for People with Celiac Disease - Healthy T1ps

Gluten in food can trigger the immune system in the body of people with celiac disease to damage the small intestine. So, for those of you who suffer from celiac disease, you should avoid certain foods that contain gluten. Grains are foods that usually contain gluten, but not all grains. What grains are gluten free and can still be consumed by people with celiac disease?

People with celiac disease must eat gluten free food
People with celiac disease have an abnormal immune system. The body's immune system cannot recognize gluten as a food ingredient. Thus, the immune system in patients with celiac disease will react if there is gluten protein entering the body.

When people with celiac disease eat foods that contain gluten, villi (small tissue) in the intestine can be damaged and cause inflammation in the lining of the intestine. This makes the intestines unable to absorb nutrients in food properly. As a result, you can experience a lack of important nutrients your body needs. In young children, this certainly can interfere with growth and development.

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Grains that should be avoided by people with celiac disease

Gluten is a protein that is usually found in grains (but not all), so it is difficult for people with celiac disease to choose which seeds to avoid. You cannot avoid all grains when you have celiac disease. Because seeds are an important food source for the body. It contains carbohydrates, various vitamins and minerals, and fiber.

For those of you who have celiac disease, you need to know which grains contain gluten and which are not. So, you don't need to avoid all grains. The following are the types of seeds that celiac sufferers should avoid:
  • Wheat, including in the form of wheat flour (flour, durum flour, flour, semolina, and farina flour), wheat bran, wheat seeds,
  • Barley
  • Rye (rye)
It might be easy for you to be able to avoid gluten from these grains. However, it will be difficult for you to know about the gluten content in processed foods. You may need to ask what the food is made of, from what flour, using any mixture, etc. when you want to eat processed foods, such as biscuits, cakes, wet cakes, dumplings, and others. Make sure processed foods that you eat are gluten-free or whole grains that contain gluten.

How about oat?
Actually oat does not contain gluten and does not endanger many people with celiac disease. However, usually the oat production process is in contact with or contaminated with wheat, starting from the harvest period until processing at the factory (from the same tools). So, for those of you who have celiac disease and want to consume oat, you should choose oat products with claims of "gluten free" or "gluten-free".
List of Wheat and Gluten Free Grains for People with Celiac Disease - Healthy T1ps
Don't forget to always read the list of "ingredients" in the product packaging. Make sure the oat product or whatever you buy does not contain gluten.

Grains that can be consumed by people with celiac disease
Some types of grains that do not contain gluten and can be consumed by those of you who have celiac disease are:
  1. White, red and black rice
  2. Sorghum
  3. Soy
  4. Tapioca
  5. Corn
  6. Cassava
  7. Ararut or arrowroot
  8. Buckwheat
  9. Millet
  10. Quinoa