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What is migraine headache? - Healthy T1ps

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What is migraine headache? - Healthy T1ps

Migraines are intense, intense headaches and often make the sufferer helpless. The pain is throbbing intensely or in the form of extreme pain like being hit by a hard object. This condition usually affects only one side of the head.

Migraines can last for several hours to several days. This disease can affect work productivity and daily activities if not treated on time and immediately.

How common are migraine headaches?
Migraine is a condition that can be experienced by all ages and genders. However, this condition is more often experienced by women more often than men. You can reduce the chance of getting this condition if you avoid the risk factors. Discuss with the doctor for more information.
What is migraine headache? - Healthy T1ps

Signs & symptoms
What are the signs and symptoms of migraine headaches?
In ordinary migraines, a few hours or a few days before a headache, sufferers usually have symptoms (prodromal) which signal that a headache will appear soon. These prodromal symptoms include:

  • Mood changes
  • Sensitive to light and sound
  • Hyperactive
  • Feel lethargic
  • Changes in appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting

After prodromal symptoms, the aura (temporary sensory disturbances or muscles) then comes before the headache. Usually 10 to 30 minutes, then the headache starts and the aura symptoms go away. Symptoms of aura include hearing and vision problems (flashes of light, blinking light, and blind spots). Pain on one side of the head can be intense and throbbing. Nausea and vomiting can also occur.

Some people may not show symptoms of aura, and pain usually occurs on both sides of the head. Some sufferers may also experience vision or stomach problems without headaches.

There may be features and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have the same complaint, consult your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?
You should see a doctor if:

You are over 50 years old
Experiencing severe or worse migraine symptoms
Have taken painkillers but your condition has not improved
You have fever, headaches, and severe vomiting
Having speech problems, convulsions, blurred vision
Status and conditions can be different for each person, so always discuss with your doctor about the best methods of diagnosis, treatment and care for you.

What causes migraine headaches?
Until now researchers have not known the exact cause of migraines. However, experts suspect that migraines are a derivative (neurological) nervous system disorder. If one of your parents has a history of migraine attacks, you risk also experiencing it.

Risk factors
What increases my risk of getting migraine headaches?
Some factors that can affect migraine headaches are:

Pregnant or taking birth control pills
Consuming too much sweetener and MSG
Most drink alcohol
The absence of risk does not mean you are free from the possibility of contracting migraines. Characteristics and symptoms written only for reference. You need to consult a doctor for more information.

Medicine & Medicine
The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult your doctor.

What are the options for treating migraine headaches?
Migraine treatment can vary from person to person. Some people may improve after taking painkillers. While some others improve only by resting or sleeping in a room with minimal light.

Please consult a doctor for more information.

What are the usual tests for migraine headaches?
The doctor makes an initial diagnosis from a medical history, blood test, and physical examination. The final diagnosis depends on the discovery of white blood cells specifically in the blood. A reference will be made to a blood specialist (hematologist).

Bone marrow biopsy may also be possible. In this biopsy, the hematologist takes samples from the bone marrow to study under a microscope and performs additional tests on bone marrow samples.

Treatment at home
What are some lifestyle changes or home remedies to deal with migraine headaches?
Some healthy lifestyle changes and home remedies that can help you deal with migraines are:

Stop activities that cause pain until your doctor says you can start again
Warm up exercises, such as mild and correct aerobic exercise
Stretch before and after exercise or exercise
Strengthens the muscles in the thighs, pelvis and lower back for correct muscle balance
Pay attention to your food intake
Inhaling essential oils to relieve headaches
If there are questions, consult your doctor for the best solution to your problem.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.