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Bamboo Leaves Health Benefits for Body - Healthy Tips

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Bamboo Leaves Health Benefits for Body - Bamboo is a tall thorny plant that is very popular in the community. Bamboo trees are usually made of various crafts and even can also be made as a pillar of the house or the house wall. Benefits of bamboo is indeed remarkable for human life in general. Besides bamboo trees used, people also often use bamboo shoots as food cooked with curry or fry vegetables.

Bamboo Leaves Health Benefits for Body - Healthy Tips
Efficacy and benefits of bamboo leaves

Benefits of Bamboo Leaves for Health
Benefits of bamboo does not stop there, but also useful for a variety of health problems. May very rarely know that bamboo leaves are part of the plant is used in a variety of ways of treatment. Many people who do not know that not only bamboo leaves as waste or manure society, but the content in the leaves of bamboo make these leaves to cure various kinds of diseases. This is different from China, dubbed as the bamboo curtain, bamboo leaves there has been used to treat a variety of diseases as disclosed in the book of Ming Yi Bie Lu (Note Leading Physician), which is useful to shed phlegm and relieve cough and difficulty breathing.

Bamboo Leaves Extract nourish the Heart

Efficacy and benefits of bamboo leaves

Bamboo Leaves benefit for Body Health
1. Treat gout
Benefits of bamboo leaves were able to overcome gout. Way is to get some helain young bamboo leaves, drying briefly to remove the sap, and also remove hairs on the leaves by rubbing. Furthermore, namely boil with 3 cups of water. Boil until the water boils and the remaining 2 cups course, drink twice, in the morning and afternoon. Keep going until you are cured gout.

2. Overcome the injuries to the skin
Sores on the skin can also be overcome by using a bamboo leaf. Take the young bamboo leaves and puree in a way crushed or blended, then wash your wound with water results collision bamboo leaves.

3. Smooth menstruation
Another benefit of the bamboo leaves are arranged smoothness of menstruation. Take the young bamboo leaves and boiled in 3 cups, boiled until the remaining 2 cups and drink morning and evening.

4. Overcoming intestinal worms
Intestinal worms that cause various diseases turned out to be treated with bamboo leaves. Take the bamboo leaves and brewed with water as hot as you brew tea. Drink this mixture two days, 2x a day. Herb bamboo leaves will kill intestinal worms effectively.

Bamboo Leaves Extract nourish the Heart
Here are some health benefits of bamboo leaves for the body to be known, given the bamboo leaves is very easy to obtain. So we feel the need to know the benefits that every health problem can be solved with this bamboo leaves.