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benefits Plums fruit for health - healthy tips

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Efficacy and benefits plums fruit - Plums are types of fruits like grapes, has several colors such as purple, red, green, black and yellow. Especially for Indonesia plums are less well known such as grapes or Appel. This is because the plums are rarely sold in the market people he usually only sold large in supermarket.

Plums are usually treated as beverages, and a wide variety of foods, but also still favors direct consumption, aside from that consume plums are also very good for health. Read also how to make noni juice

Efficacy and benefits of plums
Here are some of the properties and benefits of plums for health, namely:
Efficacy and benefits plums fruit

1. Blood Purification

According to research plums contain fiber that works to help prevent bookkeeping platelets, which can cause a variety of abnormalities in the blood including high blood pressure.

2. Healthy snacks before exercise

For us who like to do sports, plums are appropriate snacks to be an option because it was eating plums can prevent fatigue and muscle cramps.

3. Healthy heart

Plums contain soluble fiber, which means it can bind to bad cholesterol and increase its excretion in our body.

4. Rich in antioxidants

Plums are rich in antioxidants, very useful for the Capture of free radicals. So that our bodies stay healthy and avoid the problem of cancer.

5. Facilitate digestion

Plums are rich in fiber, very nice for those who have problems with digestion, such as constipation.

6. Healthy snacks for diet

Plum contains 30 calories so it is certainly very suitable to be consumed for us who are on a healthy diet program.

7. Maintaining bone health

Plums are rich in vitamin D and calcium, which both substances are very much needed by bone, can strengthen bones and also keeping nonporous.

8. Maintain eye health

The content of vitamin A in very nice plum to help prevent the degeneration of the elderly and infection of the eye, so as to make our eyes are always healthy.

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Thus our discussion about the benefits to health plums, hopefully this discussion useful and can add knowledge. "Greetings healthy"