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How to lengthen eyelashes Naturally And Permanently - healthy t1ps

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Tips and trick how to lengthen eyelashes quickly and naturally -The lashes were long and tapering is the desire of most women because it will make the eyes become more beautiful and lovely to look at. So many ways to lengthen fur matapun do. Starting from planting eyelashes to use false eyelashes. Indeed, by using false eyelashes, eyelash we will look longer and beautiful. But it can not last long or permanent.

Tips and trick to Lengthen & thicken eyelashes naturally made from natural

For those of you who want long eyelashes and permanent, you can follow how lengthen eyelashes naturally and permanently following:
Ways to thicken and lengthen eyelashes naturally
How To lengthen and thicken eyelashes naturally

Ways to thicken and lengthen eyelashes naturally

1. Green tea
How to lengthen lashes with green tea:

Brewed green tea with hot water
Wait until cool
Dip a clean cotton in the tea steeping water
Stick it on the eyelashes
Let stand 15 minutes with their eyes closed state
clean up

2. Olive oil
How to extend the olive oil matamemakai fur:

Apply olive oil to the eyelashes by using your fingers
Do it before bedtime
Let stand for overnight
Clean up when you wake up the next morning

3. Aloe vera
How to extend the fur matamemakai aloe vera:

Apply aloe vera mucus or meat on the eyelashes
Let stand 10 to 15 minutes
Rinse thoroughly
Do it at night before bed and in the morning

4. Pecan
How to lengthen eyelashes with pecans:

Hazelnut puree by means crushed or dipatur
Apply evenly to lashes
Do it at night before bed
Perform one week in a row

5. Eggs shrimp
How to extend the fur matamemakai shrimp eggs:

Mash until smooth perfect shrimp eggs
Apply on the lashes evenly
Aside some time
Do it every day

6. Shaving the tip of the lashes

How to lengthen the eyelashes is known as trim. Trim aims to grow eyelashes been cut to be maximal. To do trim, it is advisable to be careful and use small scissors.

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You can choose one of several ways to lengthen eyelashes above, or you can also combine them.