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8 You must Know Benefits Kiss - healthy t1ps

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health benefits of kissing - Healthy t1ps
This is the 8 benefit kiss you need to know

1. Make Longevity
Couples are always kissing so wake up in the morning, significantly can live 5 years longer dariyang not.

2. Make Endurance Body Ascending
Hot kiss can also be a weapon and fortress body from disease and bacteria, because this unpleasant activity can issue antibody system.

3. Can Soothe
You can feel the happiness with romantic kissing, for what? Due to the release of happy hormones endorphins and oxytocin makes the body feels comfortable and quiet.
health benefits of kissing
health benefits of kissing

4. Make Teeth Stronger
Exchange of saliva while kissing worked as a neutralizing acids in the mouth that cause cavities and helps strengthen the teeth.

5. Can Burn Calories
Without much effort to run on the treadmill and every day in the gym, kissing can burn 6 calories per minute. So, better a kiss is not it?

6. Create Ageless
Because this activity forced the 30 muscles in your face to work, the result cheeks and chin so fasten your face so young. And this is based on the results of the study.

7. Can Cure Flu
Apparently when you're kissing, you have indirectly stimulate increased levels of histamine Horon - which is the body's immune system - the effect can cure diseases originate from viruses such as the flu and sneezing. Therefore, rather than purchasing kissing mending tissue, more iritkan? But of course for those who already had a wife.

8. Can Lower High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
You lazy exercise to lower cholesterol and blood pressure? Berciumanlah then, with your heart rate triggered and impact levels of cholesterol and blood pressure decreased SIGNIFICANT.

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I Hope This Information About benefits of kissing Its Usefuly.