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Benefits of Cow Manure For Plant Growth - healthy t1ps

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Benefits of cow manure fertilizer For Plant Growth - Healthy t1ps 
The use of manure as fertilizer is not new to rural people who make their livelihood as farmers. However, for people who live in urban areas, the use of manure as fertilizer is still relatively unfamiliar. For some people who are not familiar, cow manure may be very disgusting because it has an unpleasant aroma. However, the use of manure as fertilizer is cow manure is dry and has a relatively pungent odor. The use of manure as fertilizer for crops almost no side effects at all. It is precisely the use of manure as fertilizer is highly recommended because cow manure free of chemicals that can upset the balance of nature, one of which damage the construction land.

Benefits of cow manure fertilizer For Plant Growth
Benefits of cow manure fertilizer For Plant Growth

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Content of Nutrients in Cow Manure

As mentioned previously, the use of manure as fertilizer for crops is highly recommended because of cow dung will not damage the ground construction. Cow dung is the waste of livestock cattle that have high nutrient content and useful for the development of plants. Cow manure is very high in fiber, including high cellulose content. The fiber content will increase when the cow dung mixed with cow urine. However, the use of cow dung that is still relatively fresh is not recommended because it has not undergone a process of fermentation.

To use cow dung as fertilizer for crops, manure must first be allowed to dry (fermented) or in the Java language is often called the cow dung that had gone cold. The use of cow dung that was new to the plant would likely result in plant death.

Cow dung can be categorized as compost. One cow can produce compost at 23.6 kg per day. Nutrient content in manure immense benefit to nourish the plant so that the plant growth will be optimized. Cow manure contains nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).

The content of some types of nutrients that have been mentioned are in a cow based on body weight are:

Cow weighing 227 kg was able to produce manure with a nitrogen content of as much as 28.1%; 9.1% phosphorus; and potassium by 20%.
Cow weighing 340 kg was able to produce manure with a nitrogen content of 42.2%; phosphorus 13.6%; and potassium 30%.
Cow weighing 454 kg was able to produce manure with a nitrogen content of 56.2%; phosphorus 18.2%; and potassium 39.9%.
Those are some of the nutrient content contained in cow dung. So what are the benefits of cow manure for plants? Here's a complete explanation.

Utilization of manure as compost is strongly recommended in the agricultural world. Compost is an organic fertilizer that will not cause negative impacts to crops and natural environment. Previously described regarding the nutrient content contained in cow manure are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The three big benefit for plant growth.

1. Benefits of Nitrogen (N) in Cow Manure

The benefits of nitrogen for plant growth are:

promote plant growth
increasing the protein content in the soil
increase vegetable plants produced leaves
increase the activity of organisms in the soil
assist in the synthesis of amino acids and proteins in plants

2. Benefits Phosphorus (P) in Cow Manure

That is some role of nitrogen for plant growth and for soil fertility. Not only nitrogen, cow manure also contains phosphorus which is useful for:

helps respiration and photosynthesis in plants
assisting the development of nucleic acid
helps the formation of crop seeds and fruit formation
stimulate the development of plant roots so the plants more resistant to drought
accelerate time to harvest crops

3. Benefits of Potassium (K) in Cow Manure

Potassium content in cow manure also plays a major role in the growth process of plants, among them:

forming and transporting carbohydrates in the body plant
useful as a catalyst in the formation of protein
organize various kinds of activities of mineral elements in plants
neutralizing the reaction in the cell, especially the reaction of an organic amino acid
boost growth meristem tissue
regulate the movement of stomata
increase the robustness of stem tanman so it is not easy to collapse
increase levels of carbohydrates and sugars in the fruit so the fruit has a sweet taste (see also: the benefits of carbohydrates - sugar cubes benefits - benefits of palm sugar)
make seeds more contained and compact so can be used as a superior seed
improve the quality of the fruit on the plant
increases the resistance of plants from pests and diseases
enhance the development of plant roots

4. Worth economical

Has economic value that is better because it can replace the use of chemical fertilizers that production costs can be reduced.

5. Relatively easy to use

Cow manure is easy to use and is applied as compost for plants.

6. Providers of nutrients

Cow dung is able to provide a well-balanced nutrients for the soil.

7. Land is getting loose

Soil structure is getting loose because cow manure will increase the number of microbes in the soil.

8. Maintain soil pH

Cow dung can also improve the condition of the soil pH is damaged

9. Improving crop production

Utilization of cow dung as fertilizer was able to increase crop production by up to 30%.

Thus the benefits of the use of manure as fertilizer for crops. Although still rarely used in urban areas, but the compost from cow manure is strongly recommended even for all kinds of plants. Not only useful to optimize the growth of plants, the use of manure as fertilizer is also very environmentally friendly.