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Benefits of Fish for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers

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Health Benefits of Fish for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers - Healthy T1ps

Pregnant and lactating women are advised to eat processed fish. "Pregnant and lactating women are indeed better if they eat fish," said a nutritionist and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Ahmad Sulaeman, Friday (31/5).

Fish, he continued, will affect fetal development and the quality of breast milk (ASI). "At least take 40 grams per day," he said.

He considered, eating fish regularly for pregnant women can have a good effect on the fetus. Like increasing intelligence in children later. "The child's IQ will also be high," he said.

Besides being beneficial for the fetus, consumption of fish in pregnant women also has a good effect on the mother after giving birth. "Mother doesn't experience depression after giving birth," he said.

For nursing mothers, the quality of breast milk is getting better. Because fish contain DHA, EPA, and Linoleic acids.

Health Benefits of Fish for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers - Healthy T1ps
The Amazing Of Health Benefits Eatting Fish For Pregnant Women

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The three contents, said Ahmad is very much needed by children for brain development. "Eating fish will increase DHA levels in ASI," he said.

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