Benefits of Viagra Leaves: Types of Leaves for Vitality
Viagra leaves are leaves that have benefits as natural Viagra. There are several plants that have natural benefits as natural Viagra. Some of these leaves are as follows.Viagra leaves from binahong
1. Benefits of binahong leavesIn the binahong plant itself has benefits as natural Viagra. Where the leaves can increase decreased stamina. Besides that, treatment with binahong leaves will help improve sexual function. Here are two easy ways to use this plant and get maximum results.
2. How to process binahong stem for external use
Batang binahong can be used as viagra for external use. The method is the binahong stem that has been washed with clean running water and can be taken from the sap, and applied to the outer reproductive part of the man. After being applied, let stand for a while.
3. How to process binahong stem to drink
Binahong can be used as viagra to drink steeping. The trick is to boil it together with kencur from 3 cups of water, boil until there are 1 cup left. This cooking water can be drunk for one week.
Viagra leaves from Almond
1. Benefits of almond leavesLeaves as well as stem bark, roots, fruit and almond seeds originating from India have been used effectively to restore the function of regulating blood sugar in the damaged pancreas in diabetics, while also extending ejaculation, stopping the spread of lung cancer, and anemia.
Recent studies have shown that diabetes and the accompanying complications such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, ulcer problems, liver gangrene, kidney failure, lung cancer and anemia can be treated with Indian almond extract.
2. Viagra leaves from almonds and dosage use
According to research published in the Asian Journal of Andrology, male rats were treated orally with 1,500 mg / kg or 3000 mg / kg of almond leaf extract, then their sexual behavior was monitored three hours later to female rats.
Another group of mice were orally treated with 3000 mg / kg of almond leaf extract for seven consecutive days. Then their sexual behavior was observed and fertility was evaluated on days one, four and seven during the treatment process and seven days after treatment with partners with pro-oestrous females.
The results showed 1500 mg / kg dose resulted in an extension of ejaculation but had no effect on sexual libido, sexual strength or sexual performance. Aphrodisiac contained in this plant, is a substance that is used that it increases sexual desire.
Conversely, higher doses (3000 mg / kg) reversibly inhibit all parameters of sexual behavior in addition to copulation frequency and efficiency. The effects of high doses are not due to general toxicity, liver toxicity, haemotoxicity, stress, muscle deficiency, muscle incoordination, analgesia, hypoglycemia (decreased blood sugar) or a reduction in blood testosterone levels. This is due to sedation.
Natural Viagra is a shame daughter for heart sufferers
It becomes a problem if someone with a heart history consumes Viagra, which is a high risk of death. Then the shy princess leaves can be an alternative. The way to use the shy princess as Viagra naturally is to take 15-20 sheets of the shy daughter and boil it with two glasses of water to boil until the remaining water becomes one glass. This water is then filtered and can be drunk while warm. The benefits will be felt immediately.Basil leaves as Viagra naturally
1. Benefits of basil leavesThe efficacy of basil leaves is quite popular in Indonesia, especially in western Java as a complement to vegetable dishes. It turns out that in addition to strengthening the taste of foods such as pepes, basil also has properties similar to the effects of the drug Viagra.
2. The effect of viagra from basil for men
Benefits for men are on the active substances cineol and arginine, their properties can overcome premature ejaculation, dilate capillaries, strengthen sperm resistance and prevent infertility in men. The content of apigenin fenkhona and eugenol in basil can also facilitate erection.
3. The effect of viagra from basil for women
The advantage for women is that basil is very useful. All parts of this plant are rich in anetols and boron compounds which can stimulate the hormone estrogen. The eugenol compound that is owned is also able to kill the fungus that causes vaginal discharge. Basil also stimulates the maturation of eggs.