10 Benefits of Lumai Leaves for Body Health
The name Lumai leaves may be unfamiliar to many people, but not so with the name Leunca. Leunca or lumai is a vegetable that is very well known as fresh vegetables, especially in Sundanese cuisine. The latin name of this vegetable is Solanum Nigrum L included in the family solanaceae or pumpkin - gourd. Originally from Europe and West Asia then spread widely through Malaysia. Since more than 2000 years ago, Lumai has been used as a herbal medicine. In Mexico, the fruit and leaves are used for headache medicine. In China, both are used for the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as well as anti-diarrhea drugs. In several studies it was found that lumai or leunca had anti-ulcerogenic benefits associated with the stomach, central nervous system, anti-neoplastic agents and cytoprotective function to fight cell damage in the kidneys. The benefits of leunca leaves or maize leaves for health can you see in the following discussion.1. As an anti-cancer
Lumai contains anti-cancer originating from amigladin or vitamin B17 which is efficacious as a cancer drug. Apricot fruit has the highest vitamin B17 content. The benefits of lumai leaves or the benefits of leunca containing these vitamins are also not inferior to apricots as an anti-cancer food. Know the benefits of Ranti fruit, the benefits of vegetables, vegetables, the benefits of takokak and the benefits of balanced fruits similar to leunca.
2. Reducing fever
Anyone can experience a fever whether it's a child or an adult. Sometimes a fever can be cured without chemical drugs, and can be overcome by consuming natural ingredients such as the benefits of leaf maize. The antipyretic substances inside are believed to reduce body heat naturally, so there is no need to take chemical drugs, especially for cases of mild fever.
3. Treat infections of the urinary tract
Most people with urinary tract infections are women, although it does not rule out the possibility that men can also experience it. Moss leaves will be as a diuretic that is shed or smooth the urinary tract of the sufferer. Also know the benefits of cherry leaves, the benefits of ginger leaves and the benefits of balakacida leaves.
4. As an anti-inflammatory
The body experiencing inflammation will be at risk of experiencing various dangerous diseases. Consuming the benefits of maize leaves, which are usually cooked as a complementary vegetable for daily meals, will help reduce or reduce inflammation in the body so that you can prevent various diseases that are difficult to cure. Among them are inflammatory kidney disease, sore throat and others.
5. Lower cholesterol
High levels of cholesterol in the body for those of you who like fatty foods can cause various problems. Starting from blockage of blood vessels, strokes and heart disease are risks that can be experienced. The benefits of lumai leaves will help keep cholesterol levels in the blood from increasing, but must also be balanced with changes in diet and a healthy lifestyle.
6. Improve heart performance
The liver is a body organ that functions to remove toxins from the body. The benefits of lumai leaves cooked as fresh vegetables or stir-fried vegetables can also improve the performance of the liver so that the body can carry out its detox function smoothly. Removing toxins from the body is also useful to minimize the risk of dangerous diseases in your body.
7. Relieve coughing
Continuous coughing will definitely torture and make it difficult for you to move. Maybe many people do not know the benefits of this one lumai leaf. Moss leaves can be a natural antitussive and expectorant for the body, especially when you are experiencing a cough that makes the throat itchy and phlegm. Leunca is a substitute for a more natural cough medicine, to help thin the phlegm to make it easier to remove.
8. Overcoming vaginal discharge
The women often experience this vaginal discharge, even causing unpleasant odors and itching around their female organs. The benefits of lumai leaves can be a powerful way to get rid of leucorrhoea. How to deal with vaginal discharge with maize leaves, namely:
Prepare 30 grams of white comb flower and 30 grams of leaves of maize or leunca leaves.
Boil all ingredients that have been washed with 3 cups of water.
Wait until it boils and the remaining water is one glass.
Drink regularly until vaginal discharge is resolved.
9. Overcoming dysentery
Dysentery is a disease that causes sufferers to experience acute diarrhea to experience bleeding when defecating. The reason is inflammation of the intestine. The traditional way to deal with dysentery is to use leunca. But if your dysentery is too severe, you should still seek treatment from a doctor.
10. Overcome skin diseases
The benefits of lumai leaves can also be used to overcome various skin problems such as itching or warts. The content of antipuritus in it is useful to expel itchy skin problems that are very disturbing, and also remove warts obtained from leunca leaf sap.
The benefits of lumai or leunca leaves for health are indeed very many and effective, but also be aware of side effects that can occur. This plant also contains toxins, both from the fruit or leaves and can cause poisoning. Old maize leaves contain glycalkaloid solanine, and raw fruit contains high amounts of alkaloids. Therefore consuming it in large quantities can cause vomiting, stomach irritation, stomach pain, drooling, drowsiness, diarrhea, weakness, tremors and disturbances in breathing.